OTL101 Post 2

The 4 phase practical inquiry model is new to me, but interestingly, as a safety professional, I see and use phases similar to those identified in the model to resolve safety issues and improve  workplace safety through the incident investigation process. In the safety world, the triggering event (phase 1) is an incident or identification of a hazard. Phase 2 is an analysis of the event(s) and causes leading up to the incident and involves determination of the contributing factors and root causes.  Once root causes are determined, the third phase is determination of recommendations suitable to prevent recurrence, which, like the model presented,  is often a difficult process to be meaningful.  The final phase in the model is resolution of the dilemma, which in the incident investigation process is resolution of the issue by implementing the recommendations from phase 3.

Future exploration topics include working through the online course and learning more about the different phases in the model and seeing how they transfer to the discipline I’m already familiar with.